Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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This password is used to encrypt your Secret Key.`; } Iif ( > 0) { return `${' ')}`; } Iif ( { return `${}`; } Iif (!result.meetsScoreRequirement) { return 'This password is vulnerable to brute force attacks. Try adding more non-alphanumeric characters.'; } Iif (!result.meetsLengthRequirement) { return 'Your password must be at least 12 characters long'; } return 'Consider using a password generator to ensure your funds are sufficiently secure.'; }; export const SetPassword: React.FC = () => { const history = useHistory(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const passwordInputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); const [password, setPassword] = useState<string | null>(null); const [strengthResult, setStrengthResult] = useState(blankPasswordValidation); const [hasSubmitted, setHasSubmitted] = useState(false); const [btnDisabled, setBtnDisabled] = useState(false); const [successfullyChosenStrongPass, setSuccessfullyChosenStrongPass] = useState(false); const analytics = useAnalytics(); const handleBack = useCallback(() => { history.goBack(); }, [history]); useBackButton(btnDisabled ? null : handleBack); const handlePasswordInput = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); const pass = e.currentTarget.value; setPassword(pass); const result = validatePassword(pass); Iif (result.isMnemonicPhrase) setHasSubmitted(true); setStrengthResult(result); }; const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); Iif (password === null) return; setHasSubmitted(true); const result = validatePassword(password); setStrengthResult(result); if (result.meetsAllStrengthRequirements) { setBtnDisabled(true); setSuccessfullyChosenStrongPass(true); void analytics.track('submit_valid_password'); blastUndoStackToRemovePasswordFromMemory(passwordInputRef.current); dispatch(setSoftwareWallet({ password, history })); } else { void analytics.track('submit_invalid_password'); } }; const strengthText = (result: ValidatedPassword) => result.meetsAllStrengthRequirements ? 'Strong' : 'Not strong enough'; const strengthColor = (result: ValidatedPassword) => result.meetsAllStrengthRequirements ? color('feedback-success') : color('feedback-error'); return ( <Onboarding as="form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <OnboardingTitle>Set a password</OnboardingTitle> <OnboardingText> You’ll use your password when sending transactions. <br /> If you forget it, you can restore your wallet from your Secret Key. </OnboardingText> <Flex mt="base-loose"> <ExplainerTooltip textStyle="caption"> Your password encrypts your Secret Key on your computer. This way, you can keep your Secret Key safe, and only ever have to access it when restoring your wallet. <br /> <br /> No one from {FULL_ENTITY_NAME} will ever ask for your password or Secret Key. </ExplainerTooltip> <Text textStyle="caption" color={color('text-caption')} ml="tight"> Why do I need to set a password? </Text> </Flex> <Input type="password" mt="base-tight" onChange={handlePasswordInput} data-test={OnboardingSelector.InputPassword} ref={passwordInputRef} /> {!successfullyChosenStrongPass && ( <Text display="block" textStyle="body.small" color={color('text-caption')} mt="base"> Password strength: <Text textStyle="body.small.medium" color={password === null ? undefined : strengthColor(strengthResult)} ml="tight" > {password === null ? '—' : strengthText(strengthResult)} </Text> </Text> )} {!strengthResult.meetsAllStrengthRequirements && hasSubmitted && !successfullyChosenStrongPass && ( <Text display="block" textStyle="body.small" color="ink.600" mt="tight"> {weakPasswordWarningMessage(strengthResult)} </Text> )} <OnboardingButton type="submit" mt="loose" isLoading={btnDisabled} isDisabled={btnDisabled} data-test={OnboardingSelector.BtnContinueFromPassword} > Continue </OnboardingButton> </Onboarding> ); }; |